Small Business Tax Preparation Checklist

Posted on: 26 March 2020

Tax season can very stressful for individuals and businesses alike. As a small business owner, you want to make sure that you take the right steps to prepare so that you're ready for tax day. Getting ahead of your business tax needs can help you reduce stress, upset, and mistakes. Keep reading to see a small business tax preparation checklist.

Know Which Tax Forms You Need to File

When it comes to business taxes, it's a bit more complex than individual taxes. You need to use the right forms for your tax situation. For example, if you're a sole proprietorship or if you're a single LLC business, you'll need to utilize a Schedule C form.

Understand the Deadlines

You need to understand the tax deadlines that are in place. When you don't file your taxes in a timely manner, you'll be responsible for paying penalties and additional fees.

Get Your Documents in Order

You'll need a lot of documentation when you handle your taxes. Now is a good time to get all of your documents organized and in place. When you wait until the last moment to find essential documents, it may cause a delay or it may cause you to rush and make errors. You'll need things like bank statements, receipts, income statements, payroll records, and estimated tax payment records.

Utilize Tax Credits and Deductions

To minimize your tax bill, you'll want to find the best tax credits and deductions to utilize. There are certain credits and deductions that are more applicable to small business owners. Forgetting to use these credits or deductions may mean that you're overpaying when it comes time to pay your tax bill.

Determine if You Need an Extension

Some businesses may need to file for a tax extension. You want to make sure that you determine if this is an appropriate choice based on your own business situation. This can give you more time to file your taxes.

Contact a Tax Professional

You'll want to reach out to a business accounting professional. They can help make the whole process of filing a lot easier and they can help you minimize your tax bill and can ensure that you're making the best decisions.

This tax preparation checklist can help you get ready for the upcoming tax season. While it takes work and time, filing your taxes and handling your business financial matters correctly is a must.

Reach out to a business accounting service today for more information.
