How To Keep Business Running With A Cash Flow Projection

Posted on: 24 July 2020

Do you forecast your cash flow needs? Most small businesses struggle with cash flow — not just earning enough in the long term to make a profit, but actually having enough cash on hand to pay bills as they arrive. If you find yourself in this situation on a regular basis, a cash flow projection can help. Here's how you and your bookkeeper can create one.   1. Enter Invoices Early [Read More]

Self-Employed? 5 Times to Independently Review Income Tax Returns

Posted on: 15 July 2020

When you are self-employed, you juggle many different tasks. Income tax filings are one of the many — but also often one of the least welcomed. So few people would want to revisit their income tax filings a second time. However, it can be a good idea in a few circumstances. What are some of these? And why? Here are five of the most important.  1. When You Lack Confidence in Your Accountant [Read More]

5 Ways A Business Accountant Can Help Your Company Grow

Posted on: 2 July 2020

No matter what kind of business you run, it's important to keep your financial matters in order. Many businesses struggle with doing this, so they hire a business accountant to take over certain matters. This can free up time and allow them to focus on other business needs. If you're not currently using a business accountant, it may be time to think about hiring one. They can help you grow your company. [Read More]

5 Tips To Make Tax Season Less Stressful

Posted on: 18 June 2020

No one likes paying tax or filing taxes, but it's something that needs to be done. You want to make sure that you always stay on top of your taxes so that you don't face expensive fines and get more and more in tax debt. There are some things that you can do to make tax season a lot easier and to feel less stress. Keep reading for some helpful tips that can make tax season less stressful: [Read More]